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Spring Reflections and Relishing Forward

Our 2018-2019 regional season was so much more than we could have asked for! This year our regional competitive season included 24 Seven Dance Convention and Competition, Revel Dance Convention, JUMP Dance Convention and Competition, LA Dance Magic, In10sity Dance, Nuvo Dance Convention and Competition and Hall of Fame Dance Challenge. Our dancers were inspired by the faculty and loved the motivation found in each class. Each convention was incredible in offering a world-renowned faculty in an exuberant environment. There was so much to learn throughout every weekend. Our Artistry dancers brought compassion and excitement to their performances, the classes and each other. Our dancers showed dedication to their craft, their individual growth as well as the growth of the team as a whole. The team and competition weekends were not without challenges but each dancer showed open-mindedness and ability to learn and grow. Each weekend ended with high scores, top overalls, numerous specialty and judges awards, over 40 individual scholarships and recognitions, closing show performances, as well the high honor of being given the Best in Studio Award. It was a dream come true.

As we look forward to the events that lay ahead we are approaching them all with grateful hearts and minds. Artistry is now in preparation for our second annual dance showcase, Artistry: A Dancer’s Canvas. Our showcase will be held at the beautiful Hemmens Cultural Center and we are honored to have the opportunity to host our event in this amazing space. Celebrating the art of dance and the hard work of our young dancers is an event like no other.

In July, The Artistry Company will head to Nationals. Our dancers and families have put in so much effort and sacrifice to make this a reality. Preparation for Nationals truly begins at the beginning of the season and as we enter into the next few months we continue to push ourselves as artists and technicians. Diving into each piece is exciting and challenging and only nourishes our love for what we do.

At Artistry, we are really passionate as educators in helping young dancers find their voice through the art of dance. Summer at Artistry is a great time for dancers to really dive in. We are excited about the new and returning faculty including Django Allegretti, Nickie Del Re-Masino, Ali Bakun, Marissa Gianpicolo, Isabel Colado and Jo Ashton. Also coming up this summer is our Summer Intensive Event. This is a 5-day rigorous training program designed for dancers ages 5-19. Dancers are offered the opportunity to refine their skills in multiple forms, broaden their dance vocabulary, explore new movement, and train with some of todays most gifted dance educators. This years Intensive runs July 15th - July 19th. Our Mini Intensive is for dancers ages 5-9 and runs from 9am-11am. Our Advanced Intensive is for dancers ages 10 and up and runs from 11am-4pm. Stay tuned for the announcement of our 2019 Summer Intensive Faculty!

Spring has sprung here at Artistry. We are so appreciative of the memories this regional season has given us and ready to relish into the opportunities coming our way!

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